Sponsorship Opportunities
Get your name or your company name in front of the golfers, and support this great cause.

Ironwood Golf Course

W270N6166 Moraine Dr #3332, Sussex, WI 53089

​Pro Shop: 262.538.9900


​$150 - Single Golfer
$60 for dinner & games only​

Register now using the form below. Your registration includes 18 holes of golf, cart, lunch, dinner, beverages, prizes & fun. Don't wait - space is limited.

You're invited to join us for the 10th Annual Brett Wiesner Golf Outing. Enjoy a day of golf, dinner, silent auction, raffle and fun at Ironwood Golf Course. The format is an 18-hole scramble with hole games scattered throughout the course. All proceeds will go to benefit the Brett Wiesner Scholarship Fund.

Sunday June 22nd 2025|  11:00am shotgun start | 4pm dinner & games

10th Annual Brett Wiesner Golf Outing